Featured | May 23, 2024

Streamline Your Legal Education: Top 5 CLE Resources for Lawyers

highlights top CLE (Continuing Legal Education) resources for lawyers, emphasizing the need for streamlined access to courses. Recommended platforms include ABA, state bar associations, 4Free CLE, American Law Institute, and CLEonline.com.


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Continuing education (CE) is often associated with medical professionals, but there is a whole array of licensed professionals that have to complete CE on a yearly basis. From engineers to cosmetologists to lawyers, they all have to renew their licenses to practice regularly. This article will discuss some CE principles for lawyers specifically.

Just like continuing medical education (CME), every state has a different amount of required education hours and credits. The average amount of credit hours for an attorney is about 24.

Lawyers may be a profession that is more fond of reading than most, but when you have loads to read during the workday, stifling through confusing CLE course sites and advertisements is not appealing or optimal.

Our company, the Advanced Continuing Education Association (ACEA), is available to sift through course options and help curate the optimal list of classes based on your requirements and desires. You probably don’t have copious amounts of free time on your hands, and you definitely don’t want to spend the free time you have trying to figure out CE online, so we can help alleviate some of that responsibility.

On our easy-to-navigate app, simply input your license, state of licensure, and how many credits you need, and we can begin creating a potential course list for you. It is quick and simple and it saves you from trying to navigate through several different sites to find what you need.

We have gathered a list of some of the tops sites to find CLE courses for your specialty and requirements based on the states you are licensed in.

American Bar Association CLE

The American Bar Association provides a service known as ABACLE where attorneys are encouraged to sign up for a membership for intense class discounts, but non-members are still encouraged to purchase from the site, they just won’t be offered the same prices. ABA is a trusted and verified source when it comes to all things law. They are trusted, easy to find, and credible. 

Your State Bar Association

Every state has its own Bar Association website which often includes the state requirements, as well as state-approved courses for attorneys. A quick Google search with the state name and “bar association” should bring you to any of the state pages.

4Free CLE

This site provides a list of online webinars for attorneys. Webinars are an excellent way to earn credits because they are easily accessible from any location and this site offers lectures that are widely accepted by most states.

American Law Institute Continuing Education 

The American Law Institute offers a huge list of CLE courses that vary in format from webcasts to audio seminars, to in-person courses, to on-demand online programs. The website is very easy to navigate and make course selections. You can also filter classes by format, specialty, or state.


This site also offers a bountiful list of courses for attorneys to take. The site can filter courses by specialty, hours, and end date. These courses are provided in three formats; audio, pdf text, and video. A very easy site to navigate and select the desired courses.

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