Featured | Jan 27, 2025
Stay up-to-date in the field of oncology with these top-rated continuing education (CE) activities. From video courses to articles and audio CE, explore the best resources for enhancing your oncology knowledge and improving patient care.
Continuing medical education (CME) is a requirement for oncology professionals, but it doesn’t need to be such a burden. For many of us, CME means spending far too much time attending lectures or taking online quizzes and not enough time actually doing what we love.
In the age of the internet, finding the right information has become ever more complicated and time consuming. With that in mind, here’s a list of go-to oncology CE activities for you to complete whenever you have the time. Take control of your continuing education with CE App.
Given the sensitivity and consequences of a late diagnostic of head and neck cancer, it is essential to be well prepared and knowledgeable on early signs and technologies to image and visualize these pathologies. DocmedED’s ‘The head and Neck Tumor Imaging’ course will give you the necessary insight. Beginning with the very fundamentals including anatomy, epidemiology and image characteristics, you will learn the pearls and pitfalls on how to best image and visualize head and neck cancers to make sure your patients get the best care they deserve.
We all agree that early diagnostic is the best ‘treatment’ for any cancer. Unfortunately, reality is that too many cancers are diagnosed too late. When this happens, prognosis is often poor and the role of health care practitioners becomes more about helping patients cope than anything else, and when this happens, many will ask about medical marijuana.
“There’s so much you can learn when you just listen”. Audio-Digest has made this adage a reality for practitioners who would rather listen than read. With 24 oncology issues per year, learning has never been more convenient.
On a budget and don’t feel like paying for your CE? Medscape – platform which provides practitioners with free CE content – allows you to do your CE online and for free. Resources are plenty and content is rich.
Most of our careers are hectic and planning ahead is not always easy. With BoardVitals, you learn at your own rhythm, with access to over 800 hematology/oncology CME questions and explanations. The ability to hone on a specific subject makes learning focused and efficient – just as patient care should be.
Would you rather learn through a series of small, bite-size presentations than going to a conference for an entire week? ESMO-V is made for you. These 30 minute presentations allow you to learn about various topics and focus on what you like best. If there were anything like TED talk for physicians, ESMO would be it.
Among women, breast cancer is the most common form of malignancy and the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths. Simple steps can have a big impact and being aware of best practices can save lives. Want to learn more ? Check out Harvard Medical School’s continuing medical education on metastatic breast cancer – it’s a must-read and is only two hours long.
As you know, cancer research is a rapidly growing field. Put yourself at the leading edge of clinical knowledge and take control of your continuing education by finding and tracking your CE with MyCE (not to be confused with proto-oncogene, Myc) today!